25 October, 2006

Bumpersticker Sets Off Thinking! More on Page 3!

Recently seen on a bumpersticker: "Evolve, d----t!"

I must admit, ladies and gentlemen, I laughed. And not a little giggle or silent snicker, oh no! It was a full out guffaw! And that was followed by... A head shake! At the pagans who were being silly again, screaming "Great is Diana of the Ephesians!" whilst the rest of the world spins with a sovereign God at the helm of both the natural and the supernatural.

The sight of the bumpersticker neatly collated itself with a thought process I've been having for awhile, though. About evolution, that is, not pagans being silly (which is not a new thought in my brain). If the human race is still evolving, then why aren't those who believe we are (still evolving) acting like we actually are (still evolving)? If we're still evolving, how come those who believe we are (still evolving) aren't getting kids to start making babies as soon as they're physically capable? Why aren't they stretching for that next dynamic step in the evolutionary chain? They're on somewhat of the right track by no longer caring for the weak and old (the "death with dignity" movement and senior euthanasia come to mind),
but abortion doesn't make any sense in an evolutionary mindset. Neither does liberty (something we have too little of) or equality (something that's been perverted).

Even if the theory of evolution is true as far as origins, the fact that we (in general) care for our old and sick
is a serious problem. Quite frankly, even if all the evolutionary-origins bullhonky was true, WE'VE STOPPED EVOLVING. If we were still evolving, nobody would whine about the US invading other countries, because hey, that's just survival of the fittest! You can't be on top? Tough, you're out of the gene pool! Murder would be fine, promiscuity would be encouraged, but don't you dare use birth control or abortion! If we as a species were actually evolving, folks, we would have a TOTALLY different set of social mores! And if one culture started falling behind, another would swallow it up.

Well, we're not evolving. We never did, in a theory-of-evolution sort of way. We were created in the image of God, by God, and even if that image is now distorted and corrupted by sin, it doesn't change the base nature of that image. There are standards because God exists. He *is* the standard, against which all other standards are measured. There can be a Christian society because (and only because) God has redeemed His people by His Son. Glory be to God.

And the bumpersticker is still very funny. Glory be to God.


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