20 July, 2006

Some Stuffs

  1. Read the Red Book! It's the primary reason I haven't been forthcoming in the blogging department. It's going to be totally awesome.

  2. Going to Philmont! I'm off tomorrow for Philmont Scout Ranch. Two weeks of hiking, sun, and fun in New Mexico. Rejoice!

  3. College! It is becoming more a part of my attention. I am touring some West Coast colleges this August to balance out some of the East Coast colleges I went to in June. The SAT was acceptable; now I just have a senior year before being thrust into "real life."

  4. Worldview was awesome! I had a great bunch of guys in my small group, I learned a lot in the lectures, and I had a blast playing Ultimate Frisbee.

  5. It is a pity the world did not take a vacation with me. I came back from Worldview and found that Israel was at war. It seems to me that if you mess with the bull, you will eventually get the horns. Lobbing missiles indiscriminately into any country usually elicits some sort of response …

  6. Despite tumultuous world events, life generally rocks!! (*sings*)

-Matt :-)


Blogger the traveler said...

Hey, one more year before you join the ranks of college students. Have fun in New Mexico!

21 July, 2006 06:37  
Blogger Matt Pitchford said...

Senior year has been incredible. I've been doing a lot of work for debate and college prep ... and LOVING IT!

I'm really glad you like the Red Book! It was an honor to work on such a publication.

-Matt Pitchford

21 September, 2006 21:30  

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