18 November, 2005

So this is number what, now?

I find it amusing-
Ok, so amusing isn't the right word, it's sad. Yet my sense of irony/justice remains steadfastly sated. Gorged, even. Thanksgiving is still around the corner but it doesn't matter. Why not?

France. Specifically, the intifada and general rioting that's been going on over there for what, two weeks? More?

Keep in mind, I'm not "happy" for what's going on over there. This isn't some Franco-bashing melee. But for crying out loud, nobody saw this coming?

First off, you have the huminist, rationalist and materialist influences that start over there from the "Endarklightenment" and earlier. God quickly became a cussword at best, silly (or dangerous) superstition at worst. Man decides he can do it on his own, and proceeds to go through a couple of civil wars, lose an empire, and (eventually) have more Islamists coming into the country than the natives can produce themselves. No worry, right? These immigrants will just fit in and pick up the culture as they go, right?

Wrong. This is *Islam,* remember? This religion/belief structure/worldview is not exactly interested in playing nice with everyone else. No, the immigrants *don't* pick up the culture (it might be offensive to them). They glorify their own as a people set apart, destined to cause the downfall of the Satans that are so offensive to Allah (whatever the heck he is. Definitely not the God of the Bible).

So we have a Godless (and thus hopeless) society. (Read "tinder.") We have a philosophy of world-domination with many adherants just walking in to this society. (Read "match.") We now have... a conflageration? Say it isn't so!

I'm not trying to excuse anybody. Goodness gracious me, I am *not* trying to excuse anybody. But I will say that this situation (kind of like us) rose from a *cause,* not randomly.

We would do well to consider the consequences of such a cause.


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